

Mary Renault is probably the best writer in the historical novel genre. The depth, beauty and artistry of her work is undeniable, but it also puts it in a difficult situation with respect to its study and understanding. To refer to the Hel­lenism of Mary Renault, one usually goes to the book by Bemard Dick who par­ tially studied the author 's work. This inescapable and unique reference, however, contains errors that sometimes contradict what the novelist tried to express and it is evident that it does not cover all of the author's work. I think a new study should be carried out on the author 's Hellenism. An outline of what such a study should contain is what is attempted in this article.


Hellenism, Historical novel, Style, Rendering, Mary Renault

Author Biography

Vanessa Valda, Investigadora independiente

Abogada. Bolivia. Correo electrónico: vanessavalda45@gmail.com


Novelas por Mary Renault citadas en el artículo

Purposes of Love (1939). London, Longmans.

The Charioteer (1953). London, Longmans.

The Last of the Wine (1956). London, Longmans.

El toro del mar (2007). traducción de Julián Ruiz, Edhasa.

The Mask of Apollo (1966). London, Longmans.

The Lion in the Gateway: The Heroic Battles of the Greeks and Persians at Marathon, Salamis, and Thermophylae (juvenile) (1964). London, Longmans.


Dick B. (1972). The Hellenism of Mary Renault. Southern Illinois University Press, United States of America.

Sweetman D. (1993). Mary Renault a Biography. Harvest Ed., United States of Amercia.

Zilboorg C. (2001). The Masks of Mary Renault a Literary Biography. University of Missouri Press, Columnia and London.

Wolfe P. (1969). Mary Renault. Indiana University, Twayne’s English Authors Series.

Libros citados

Huffman C. (2005). Archytas of Tarentum Phytagorean, Philosofer and Mathematician King. Cambridge University Press, New York.

Zaborowski R. (2018). Plato’s Phaedrus. 253 E5 – 255 A1 Revisited. A Reappraisal of Plato’s View on the Soul. University of Warmia and Missouri.

Eurípides (2000). Las Bacantes Tragedias III. Edición de Miguel Labiano para Cátedra Letras Universales.

Plutarco (1987). Obras morales y de costumbres, Máximas de los reyes. Traducción de Mercedes López Salvá, Editorial Gredos.

Esquilo (2000). Prometeo encadenado, Tragedias completas. Edición de José Alsina Clota para Cátedra Letras Universales.