

Folk lyric poetry is a form of artistic expression that is related to the cultural identity of the peoples to whom its creation is attributed. With respect to wedding songs both in the Iberian Peninsula and the island of Cyprus, due to the evolution of the civilizations that settled there providing their culture, the songs’ development in Castilian Spanish and Greek Cypriot has its antecedents in Latin and Greek ancient lyric poetry respectively. Given the continuity of the aforementioned kind of compositions over time, they are analysed their analogous laographic-literary motifs, that is to say, the minimal thematic units of ethnologic and literary nature that they both share, in which references to different aspects are discerned. The intention of this article is to determine the perspective with which both cultures create wedding songs.


Wedding songs, Folk lyric poetry, Castilian Spanish, Greek Cypriot, Laographic-literary motifs

Author Biography

Ana-María Martín-Vico, Universidad de Granada

entro de Estudios Bizantinos, Neogriegos y Chipriotas. Universidad de Granada - España.
Correo electrónico:


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