Classical and Byzantine Traces in Solomós’ Hymn to Freedom. History and Contemporaneity



This article makes a revision of the more of six hundred verses that compose the so called Hymn to Liberty (1823) of the “national poet” Dionysius Solomos (17898-1857), in order to ascertain elements of the classical culture that the poet rescues for his work; and some elements of the modern history that illustrate the hymn’s subject; and, in addition, the linguistic process of some words whose path originates in the Byzantine world. The conclusion is that the Ύμνος εις ελευθερίαν gathers varied components that follow diverse moments of the Greek history and facts that are similar to this emancipator feat, in order to contribute to the construction of a national identity built into the cultural development of “the Hellenic”, in accordance with other harmonious cultures. The second part of this work is a Spanish version of the Hymn, with notes.


Solomos, Liberty, hymn, classic Greek, Byzantine Greek

Author Biography

Pablo Cavallero, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Pablo Cavallero, Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET

Correspondencia: Pablo Adrián Cavallero E-Mail: Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET - AAL


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