Tzetzes: Histories VII 149: An approach to its sources



Within the eastern tradition of the Bellerophon myth, which starts from the Homeric Iliad (VI 152-206), the XIIth Byzantine scholar John Tzetzes addresses it in several of his works, flaunting his mastery of ancient and contemporary texts. Among them, due to its uniqueness and being the most substantial in this sense, in the present work we focus on the one that bears number 149 of book VII of its Histories or Chiliades, from which we make a study of the sources possibly used, with the aim of a subsequent analysis that we will offer in the following work, which allows us to delve into the reasons and objectives of his choice and how the author uses them.


Byzantium, Tzetzes, Histories, Bellerophon, loci similes

Author Biography

Ana Bocanegra-Briasco, Conservatorio Superior de Música “Victoria Eugenia” de Granada

Ana Bocanegra-Briasco, Conservatorio Superior de Música “Victoria Eugenia” de Granada (España).



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