Greece in the imaginary of 19th century cuban letters



The fight for the freedom of the Greek people supports the fact that for the first time modern Greece appears in Cuban poetry. And, although the Hellas of Antiquity continues to be evoked throughout the entire century, it acquires a closeness and shades very different from those usual among the other neoclassical writers of the Hispanic sphere, by making transparent the independence desires of the Antillean island that it remained a Spanish colony when the rest of the continental Hispanic American nations had emancipated. It is our objective, therefore, to show the image of Greece and its various projections in Cuban letters throughout the 19th century.


Greece, independence struggle, Cuba, literary imaginary

Author Biography

Elina Miranda Cancela, Universidad de La Habana

Correspondencia: Elina Miranda Cancela
Profesora Titular. Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.


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