The Greek Revolution and the abolition of slavery


  • Miguel Castillo Didier Universidad de Chile


One of the first measures taken by the Greek Revolution was the abolition of slavery. According to the Constitution approved by the First National Assembly of Epidaurus, by decree of February 22, 1822, slavery was abolished. In this matter, the Revolution was a pioneer. In other European countries, abolition occurred in the mid-nineteenth century and in the Spanish colonies, the United States, and Brazil, slavery lasted until 1886, 1863, and 1888, respectively. In Cuba, one of the Philohellenes, the poet Plácido, who sang to the Greek Revolution, was shot in 1844, accused of participating in the programming of a slave rebellion.


Greek Revolution, abolition of slavery

Author Biography

Miguel Castillo Didier, Universidad de Chile

Correspondenca: Miguel Castillo Didier
Director Centro de Estudios Griegos, Bizantinos y Neohelénicos. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Universidad de Chile.


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