Between philosophy and politics. Plato in the Human condition of Hannah Arendt


  • Daniel Brito-García Universidad Austral de Chile


Considering the hostile relationship between philosophy and politics proposed in antiquity by Plato, this paper attempts to delve into this line from the treatment of Hannah Arendt from one of his fundamental works: The human condition. We estimate that in this work it is possible to capture the core of the Arendtian concerns about this tense relationship, being able to project from this place its vicissitudes in other works that contemplate the concern for the foundation of this and its dynamic complexity. Arendt sees in Plato the key to understand hostility between both disciplines and, in dialogue with his figure, we will try to get into the reflections concerning the problem and its drifts.


Philosophy, Politics, Thought, Contemplation, Action

Author Biography

Daniel Brito-García, Universidad Austral de Chile

Estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencias Humanas mención Discurso y Cultura, Universidad Austral de Chile (UACH). Becario CONICYT, folio 21191246
Dirección institucional: Universidad Austral de Chile, Campus Isla Teja, Independencia 631, Valdivia, Chile