The influence of the protevangelium Iacobi in the middle-byzantine homiletics on the Holy Virgin


  • Spyros P. Panagopoulos Universidad Jónica


As most scholars agree, devotion to Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, begun to receive formal expression in most liturgical or theological sources until approximately the beginning of the fourth century. Among other canonical and apocryphal texts of the late second century, the Protevangelium is unique in its focus on the person of the Virgin Mary. Based on the Protevangelium we will examine Middle Byzantine homilies and sermons to the Mother of God on the occasion of the feasts of Mary’s Conception, Nativity and Presentation into the Temple, while we will focus also on the origins of the Marian feasts.


Protevangelium Iacobi, Theotokos, Homlietics, Proclus of Constantinople, Andrew of Crete, Cosmas Vestitor, John of Damascus

Author Biography

Spyros P. Panagopoulos, Universidad Jónica

Licenciado en Filología griega y en Filosofía en la Universidad de Patras (Grecia). Investigador de la filología y historia bizantinas. Candidato al doctorado en los Estudios Bizantinos en la Universidad Jónica.