Thanks to the recent publication of P.GC. inv. 105 + P.Sapph. Obbink, it has been determined that the relationship between Sappho’s work and Ovid’s Heroid XV is closer than the impression given to scholars, since the papyrus transmits a new poem in which Caraxus an Larichus, Sappho’s brothers, are mentioned, of which, the first one is referred by Ovid in his epistle. The objective of this paper is to present new intertextual relationships between the abovementioned works in the light of the new poem
Forero Álvarez, R. (2017). Intertextual relationships between Sappho’s poems and Heroid XV: The new contributions of P.G.C. INV. 105 + P. Sapph Obbink. Byzantion Nea Hellás, (36), pp. 24 – 43. Retrieved from