A group of officers gave a coup d’état in Athens in September 1922 after the catastrophe of the Greek army in Asia Minor. The King was deported and s lawsuit began against those considered responsible of that disaster. Six ministers and army officers were found guilty, condemned to death and executed, while Prince Andrew, the King’s brother, will be condemned to exile and military dishonour. The Spanish Embassy in Athens closely followed these events and the Spanish press compared the Asia Minor disaster with the previous one occurred in Annual, Morocco.
Catastrophe, Asia Minor, Coup d’État, Spanish Press
Álvarez de Frutos, P. (2015). The echo in the press and spanish diplomatic documentation of the processes responsible for the greek defeat in Asia Minor. Byzantion Nea Hellás, (34), Pág. 161–202. Retrieved from https://byzantion.uchile.cl/index.php/RBNH/article/view/38033