Otherness and identity. This work deals with such historie problems,
specifically with the case of the Jesuits missionaries in Constantinople during
the first half of the 18th century. Our specific interest is the study of the
otherness and identity relationships between those missionaries and the
muslims. We try to demonstrate that the essential characteristic of those
relationships is an intransigent otherness -- of an unilateral character--, but
tolerant. This situation can be explained from two points of view: a political
one and a religious one.Our study has its basis mainly in the study of the
sources, which, in this case, are the letters-reports sent by the Jesuits
missionaries to their superiors in France. Those letters-reports deal with the
progress of the Constantinople mission.
Marín Riveros, J. (2015). Alteridad e identidad. Los jesuitas en Constantinopla en el s. XVIII. Byzantion Nea Hellás, (17-18), Pág. 125–146. Retrieved from https://byzantion.uchile.cl/index.php/RBNH/article/view/37966