This work is an approach to the study of the Jewish community of Thessaloniki in the framework of the Greek Republic, focusing on the repercussion that it had on this community the implementation of the Law of the compulsory Sunday rest in Thessaloniki by the Republican government of Papanastasiou in 1924. The Jews newspaper Le Progrès and L’Indépendant, mainly, considered the measure as an attack on freedom of conscience of the Jews and their national interests. Some associations, however, went further by speaking of persecution and anti Semitism.
L’Indépendant, Le Progrès, Sabbath, Jews, rest, Papanastasiou, Venizelos
Morcillo Rosillo, M. (2014). The question of the sunday rest in Salonika: impact on the jewish community through the francophone press (1924-1925). Byzantion Nea Hellás, (33), Pág. 263–278. Retrieved from