The figure of Constantine I, the first holy emperor of the Orthodoxtradition, continued to be after his death the objet of reformulations and literaryreinterpretations -mainly by historiography and hagiography- that attempted toadapt his image to the different political circumstances of the Eastern Roman Empire.This article develops some of the byzantine traditions concerning the holiness ofConstantine I in order to establish, in the first place, which elements orientated thedefinition of his image of holy emperor and, in the second place, which was thepolitical role that Constantine's holiness played in different political contexts.
Constantine I, Saint Constantine, imperial sanctity, pagan legend, Arian legend
Gerhold, V. (2013). Constantine I and imperial sanctity: construction and political role of the figure of "Saint Constantine". Byzantion Nea Hellás, (32), Pág. 185–205. Retrieved from