This work presents arguments in order to determine tha Leontiusof Neapolis has written his Life of John the Almsgiver because of the suggestion s theArchbischop of Cyprus but not because of the suggestion of John himself; that theLife of Spyridon has not been written at the request of John but at the request of theArchbischop Arcadius of Cyprus; that this text is prior to 641, but there is no date postquem; that the Life of Symeon the foul has no to be subsequent to Spyridon and John; thatthe Leontius' text of Spyridon is that which van den Ven named "Vita II".
Cavallero, P. A. (2012). Some observations about Leontius of Neapolis’ Life of Spyridon. Byzantion Nea Hellás, (31), Pág. 133–143. Retrieved from