A loose approach to Kazantzakis' spirituality


  • Roberto Quiroz Pizarro Universidad de Chile


The author proposes an approach to the complex spirituality of Kazantzakis in three levels: the man always restless in the religious levels; the judgements of his contemporaries who studied the spiritual aspects of his work; the wandering freely through some aspects of the work of Kazantzakis. Through this approach the author asks about the mystical Kazantzakis, the profetic Kazantzakis and the philosopher Kazantzakis. He tries to discover the complex problem of the relation of the writer and God and his idea of divinity in the light of different works, specially the Ascetic. One of the ways the author proposes is a parallel between the ideas of Kazantzakis about God and the ascending march of man, and those of Plotin.


Kazantzakis, spirituality, ascetic, ascension, mysticism, Plotinus.

Author Biography

Roberto Quiroz Pizarro, Universidad de Chile

 Macul 774, Pabellón Griego, Santiago, Chile. Tel. 2392292