We try to study in this article, within a critical time in the history of the Byzantine Empire, that is, 6th to 9th Century, a particular aspect in relationship with changes operate in the Byzantine mentality, in his historical and religious conceptions. Indeed, in the middle of a generalized crisis of insecurity, the Byzantine population turned toward religion, depositing their trutst in the supernatural protection of the Empire and its capital. At the same time, we see how the historiographical work loses consistency, taking its place religious reflections within a general picture of mystical panegyrics and eschatological effervescence. In another way, when you think that the end of the world is imminent, no makes sense write history, but does it have the interpretation of the prophecies in regard to the second coming of the Messiah. This is a turning point in the configuration of the Byzantine mentality.
Byzantium, Constantinople, site of 626, supernatural protection, history
Marín Riveros, J. (2011). Byzantium in seventh century: notes on the events of the year 626. Byzantion Nea Hellás, (30), Pág. 41–73. Retrieved from https://byzantion.uchile.cl/index.php/RBNH/article/view/18223