On truth and falsity in greek myth. Philosophical suggestions to conceive a sort of truth present in myth


  • Raúl Madrid Meneses Universidad de Chile


The philosophical discourse, throughout its history, and specifically to refer to its beginnings, has become legendary in relation to the discourse in terms of rupture, release or improvement. This has provided the basis for attributing a false nature to the latter. This characteristic has been maintained and is used on a daily basis at the conversational and academic research. Thus, firstly our work will highlight this relationship of opposition between mythic and philosophical discourse. Secondly, it will show, following the approaches of Hans-Georg Gadamer, how mythical discourse acquired this false characteristic throughout history, as the Greeks would not have it. And lastly, with Nietzsche we believe that the true mode of science, by which we measure the mythical discourse, is far from being the only and most assertive one. This, we think, opens the possibility of considering some sort of truth present in the mythic discourse.    


Myth, philosophy, truth, Nietzsche, Gadamer