This article presents a brief summary of the historic and philologicalresearch of the fount `O Basilik'j 'Andri£j (The Sovereign's Statue) of the Byzantine writer Nicephorus Blemides. The discourse belongs to the Byzantine rhetorico-political tradition of the "Mirrors of Princes" and is directed to the Emperor Theodorus II Lascaris. It constitutes and ethico political admonition to the sovereign and, at the same time, it tells of its author's erudition and of the vogue of classical studies in the Byzantine world of the 13th century, which was particularly affected by the devastation of the fourth crusade. The article places historically both the author and his discourse, offers a summary of the work in Spanish language and its presents a complete bibliographical repertory.
Nicephorus Blemides, “Mirrors of Princes”, Byzantine rhetoric
Author Biography
Roberto Andrés Soto Ayala, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
Doctor en Historia Universidad de Granada, España - Master en Historia D.E.A. Universidad de Granada, España - Licenciado en Historia U.M.C.E.
Soto Ayala, R. A. (2010). Nicephorus Blemides and the sovereign’s statue `O Basilik’j ’Andri£j c. 1254 d.C. Byzantion Nea Hellás, (29), Pág. 135–167. Retrieved from