Historia y Política en Aristóteles: Constitución de Atenas y Política


  • Héctor Eduardo García Cataldo Profesor Universidad de Chile


This article highlights the close link between history and politics in Aristotelian political philosophy, and shows how Aristotle, as part of his method, used his own investigation on history and politics to uphold his proposal of an ideal  politeia,  in which to include the middle class as an indispensable factor of stability. He thereby overcame both the Platonic conception of war, and the predominance of civil wars in the Greek world. For Aristotle friendship  (filid)  was the basis of political life.    


History, politics, politeia, stasis, middle class, friendship

Author Biography

Héctor Eduardo García Cataldo, Profesor Universidad de Chile

Licenciado en Filología Clásica con opción helénica y latina. Magister en Historia con mención en Historia Europea y candidato a doctor en Filosofía Tel. 32-2495459. Profesor Universidad de  Chile, Chile,  hegarcia@uchile.cl; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile; Universidad Playa Ancha, Chile.