Cuestiones procesales del procedimiento monitorio regulado en el Código del Trabajo y la forma de proceder en los casos de aplicarse las normas sobre régimen de subcontratación


  • Fernando Orellana Torres Universidad Católica del Norte


We present the role and structure of monitor procedure, and then focus on the particularity of its initiation (Article 496 of the Labor Code), id est, the requirement of previous appearing before the Labor lnspection, and on this basis and from the standpoint of due process, we study the problem of the responsibilities contemplated in the outsource scheme, concluding that it is necessary that third parties, subsidiary or jointly required, will be heard also in the administrative stage.


Monitor procedure, due process, conciliation audience, Labor Inspection, outsource, bilateralidad de la audiencia

Author Biography

Fernando Orellana Torres, Universidad Católica del Norte

Abogado. Profesor de Derecho Procesal, Escuela de Derecho, Universidad Católica del Norte (Antofagasta). DEA y Candidato a Doctor en Derecho Procesal por la Universidad de Zaragoza, España. Abogado (1995).