The Housing Chilean Policy: Alternative Forms of Access to Housing for Poor Families


  • Jaime Ravinet De La Fuente Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo


This paper deals with the main reasons that led the Housing and Planning Ministry to introduce in 2001 some changes to the Housing Policy. The objectives and programs which were the result of those changes are here presented, they generated a wide range of alternatives which today allow access to housing to many families in the country, especially those with the lowest incomes and more troubles to solve their housing problem. Some achievements of this policy, since it was started, are also mentioned, especially in the areas related to the Competitive Founding for Solidary Projects such as focalization, investment, coverage and beneficiary. And finally the Ministry’s challenges for 20004 are mentioned

Author Biography

Jaime Ravinet De La Fuente, Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo

Ministro de Vivienda Urbanismo y de Bienes Nacionales. Alcalde de Santiago (1990-2000). Abogado. Fundador y Presidente de la Asociación Chilena de Municipales (1993-1997). Presidente de Asociaciones Mundiales de Ciudades y Autoridades Locales (1996-1997). Presidente Mundial de la Unión Internacional de Municipios y Gobiernos Locales (1995-1997). Presidente de la Unión de Ciudades Capitales Iberoamericanas (1994-1995). Arquitecto honorario nominado por el colegio de Arquitectos de Chile (1991). Medalla de oro al Urbanismo de la Asociación Panamericana de Arquitectos (2000). Premio UNESCO - Alcaldes por la Paz, Estocolmo 1997.